First Anguilla Trust Company Limited

Guide to Forming a Company in Nevis

If you are a business owner choosing a jurisdiction for your company, Nevis is a great option. Read on to learn why and for an overview of the company registration process.

Brief Overview of Nevis

Located in the Eastern Caribbean, Nevis is a part of the Federation of St. Kitts and Nevis. It attracts visitors and investors alike with its unique blend of natural beauty and warm hospitality.

Nevis enjoys excellent accessibility, making it an ideal hub for international business activities. The island is well-connected by air and sea, with direct flights to major cities in North America and Europe.

Top Reasons to Form a Company in Nevis

Let’s delve into the top reasons why forming a company in Nevis could be beneficial:

  • Asset Protection and Privacy: Nevis is renowned for its thorough asset protection laws and a high level of confidentiality and privacy, with strict regulations in place to ensure the protection of business owners’ identities and financial information.
  • Tax Advantages: The jurisdiction imposes no income, corporate, capital gains, or estate taxes on income earned outside of the country. This means that businesses operating internationally can significantly reduce their tax liabilities by structuring their operations through a Nevis entity.
  • Ease of Incorporation: With minimal bureaucratic hurdles and low incorporation costs, setting up a business in Nevis is a swift process. Furthermore, Nevis allows for flexible corporate structures, enabling entrepreneurs to tailor their companies to suit their specific needs and objectives.
  • Political and Economic Stability: Nevis benefits from a well-established legal system based on English common law, providing certainty and security for investors. Also, Nevis boasts a diverse economy supported by industries such as tourism, financial services, and agriculture.

The Company Registration Process in Nevis

If you are interested in registering your company in Nevis, you may want to review the company registration process.

The first step in registering a company in Nevis is deciding on the most suitable business structure for your business. Whether you opt for a Nevis Business Corporation (NBC), Limited Liability Company (LLC), or International Business Company (IBC), each entity has unique characteristics regarding liability, taxation, and governance.

Once you’ve determined the structure of your company, you’ll need to choose a name that complies with Nevis’ naming regulations. The name should be distinctive, not misleading, and not infringe on existing trademarks. A name search through the Nevis Corporate Registry will help ensure your chosen name is available for registration.

Depending on the type of company you’re forming, you’ll need to appoint directors and shareholders to oversee its operations and ownership. Nevis allows for flexibility in corporate governance, with no residency requirements for directors or shareholders, making it accessible to international entrepreneurs.

A company such as First Anguilla Trust Company Limited can help you prepare the necessary documentation for company registration, including articles of incorporation outlining key details such as the company’s name, registered address, share structure, and purpose.

Once all documentation is in order, submit your application for company registration to the Nevis Financial Services Regulatory Commission (FSRC). Along with the application form and articles of incorporation, you’ll need to provide proof of identity for directors and shareholders, as well as pay applicable registration fees.

Once your application is approved, you will receive a Certificate of Incorporation, officially recognizing your company as a legal entity registered in Nevis.

At First Anguilla Trust Company Limited, we have offered offshore company formation services since 1995. Contact us today!

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